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Inorganic Zinc Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Inorganic Zinc Coating Mean?

An inorganic zinc coatings is a type of coating that possess the distinct ability to give corrosion protection to surfaces such as steels. As the name implies, this type of coating has large amounts of zinc metallic dust mixed with a binder.

Inorganic zinc-rich paint consists of high-build polysiloxae or a hybrid topcoat and primer made from inorganic zinc. The use of this type of coating and formulations to achieve steel protection has been well known in the industry of protective coating. Almost all of the zinc-based coatings are created with either epoxy resin binders or inorganic silicate.


Corrosionpedia Explains Inorganic Zinc Coating

Two major types of zinc-rich paint exist in the market, and each varies according to the type of binder used in the production process. Inorganic zinc-rich paint typically contains a binder like zinc silicate. On the other hand, organic zinc-rich paint makes use of urethane, butyl or epoxy. After accurate application of the zinc-rich paint to the surface, the binder holds onto the particles of zinc that are connected as well as the surface of the steel.

Contact between two dissimilar metals will result in a galvanic cell capable of erosion when subjected to an electrolyte-rich environment. Zinc particles act as the anode while the steel becomes the cathode in the galvanic cell. The action of the galvanic cell causes the zinc to corrode while guarding the steel from galvanic attack.

Inorganic zinc-rich paints are very unique since they offer the best protection to metal surfaces despite scratches, pinholes, voids and other defects.

Inorganic zinc-rich paint has the following properties:

· It has outstanding mechanical properties and is capable of resisting impact, scratching and scuffing.

· These coatings are resistant to heat as high as 750°F.

· Some formulations of zinc-rich paint may be immersed in salt water, while others can not.

· Using zinc-rich paint as a top coat is harder compared with other types of coatings due to its porous nature.

· Inorganic zinc-rich paint needs to be applied on a totally clean surface for best outcomes.



Inorganic Zinc-Rich Paint

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