What Does
Epoxy Mastic Mean?
Epoxy mastic refers to a type of synthetic polymer containing a cyclic three-atom ring that is commonly used as an adhesive or paint. They are found in coatings, resins and a wide range of other substances used to prevent corrosion.
Corrosionpedia Explains Epoxy Mastic
Epoxy mastic is a high crafted, increased solid concentration coating package. It contains two components: a base and a hardener. Applied with a steel brush, it is used to protect against pitting corrosion on hard steel surfaces.
An epoxy coating is often considered to be superior to other coating and corrosion prevention methods due to its ability to harden and form a durable protective layer around metal. The coating is applied in a liquid form and becomes highly durable afterwards. This characteristic makes it ideal for the production of resins and glues as well.
Some characteristics unique to epoxy mastic are:
- Light-colored for improved painting conditions and identification
- No bleeding or weeping into topcoats
- Low volatile organic compound (VOC) emission rates due to their high solids concentration (70-99%)