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Gloss Retention

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Gloss Retention Mean?

Gloss retention refers to a coating's ability to maintain its gloss. It is a measure of coating durability.

Gloss retention is the one of the most important properties of coatings. A higher gloss retention coating will remain unchanged for a long duration. One such example is a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) coating, a high-performance coating that has a very long gloss retention and that lasts for more than 10 years.


Corrosionpedia Explains Gloss Retention

Gloss is the capacity of surfaces to reflect directed light and it is a very significant feature in coating durability. When a coating degrades, the surface becomes rough and the gloss reduces. When this deterioration is accelerated, the top coat of the coating surface also loses gloss rapidly. Therefore, gloss retention is very important when predicting coating durability and chances of corrosion.

Some coatings have high gloss retention, such as polysiloxane coatings. It can last for up to 15 years, whereas a bisphenol-A-based epoxy resin has poor gloss retention and can last for only few years. Poor gloss retention refers to the deterioration of the coating film due to the excessive or rapid loss of luster of the top coat.

There are several reasons for gloss retention losses, including:

  • Use of a gloss alkyd or oil-based paint exposed directly to the sun
  • Inadequate or thin paint film
  • Lower-quality paint
  • All paints lose some luster over time

Losses of gloss retention can be prevented by applying proper surface preparation to remove all loose paint, dust and other particles; rinsing thoroughly with a hose; and using top-quality UV-resistant exterior coatings on the surfaces.


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