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Spill Containment

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Spill Containment Mean?

This is a product or tactic designed to control spillage in an industry or storage facility. It is a corrosion and contamination management technique, custom-made, to meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations; and other international standards on safety.

There are no specific standards for the design of the containment since it varies with size and technology used by different manufacturers. It is used to limit oil, chemical and other hazardous solvents around tanks, machines, equipment, automobiles and drums.


Corrosionpedia Explains Spill Containment

Spill containment uses non-absorbent materials such as polymers, which seal all gaps of penetration for the solvents in discussion. Different containments are designed based on the needs, therefore the selection of material will determine the durability and effectiveness of the product. High-density polyethylene is mostly used as it has high resistance to chemical attack, thus isa suitable corrosion management tool in manufacturing and processing industries.

Some of the examples of spill containment include:

  • Pillets and skids
  • Berms
  • Decks
  • Trays and shelves
  • Bags and over packs
  • Basins and pools
  • Sumps and drums
  • Platforms and workstations
  • Booms

Spill containment does not have to be a product but the tactic used must be in line with guidelines and rules that limit the flow of the harmful and spilled liquids. Apart from shielding drainage systems, it also acts as a corrosion management technique that maintains the operational state of surrounding components.


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