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Reactive Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Reactive Coating Mean?

Reactive coatings are pigmented or clear coatings formulated and branded for top-ground concrete as well as masonry substrates. It offers protection from water contaminants and water itself.

Such contaminants include, but are not restricted to salts, acids and alkalis. Ideally, the coating should penetrate into the masonry substrate or concrete and react chemically in order to build covalent bonds among the existing organic minerals present in the substrate.

It can enhance water repellency by about 80% post application on masonry substrates or concrete and also line the pores with a hydrophobic layer rather than a surface film.


Corrosionpedia Explains Reactive Coating

A reactive coating is a form of protective material, usually mixed with concrete in order to shield surfaces from environmental influences such as:

  • Water
  • Chemicals
  • UV light
  • Gas
  • Other contaminants

It is a form of concrete coating that can also be applied to seal concrete pores. It can be made from chemicals such as:

  • Acrylic
  • Silanes
  • Epoxy
  • Siloxanes
  • Siliconates

It offers protection to surfaces by forming a protective film on top of the concrete surface. The substances present in reactive coatings are widely utilized as coatings to prevent penetration.

Reactive coatings offer many advantages over other forms of coatings. The substances in such are typically epoxy, acrylic, urethane or combinations of the other substances mentioned above. Usually, acrylic is used for water-based reactive coatings, making it convenient and economical to use.

Epoxy is also largely used to give protection to concrete, although it tends to be more expensive. However, the quality is durable and top notch. Reactive coatings with epoxy as the main ingredient are mostly used in factories and other industrial settings, while the ones made from acrylic or water-based substances are widely utilized in residential settings.

There are also variations of water-based reactive coatings that can shield concrete from damage, making it highly durable. Concrete with cracks can be easily damaged by liquid, gas and other chemicals. Also, foreign particles could lead to corrosion and carbonation. By making use of this form of protective coating, the risks of corrosion and any form of damage are reduced significantly.


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