
Penetration Test

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Penetration Test Mean?

A penetration test examines the corrosion penetration rate on a substance affected by any type of corrosion. Materials can be quantified by their corrosion penetration rate (CPR) and examined in three possible ways:

  • Speed at which the material deteriorates
  • Amount of material lost per year (i.e., the reduction in the thickness of the material)
  • Speed at which corrosion is spreading

Corrosionpedia Explains Penetration Test

To test for corrosion in a particular material, various tests are performed and data is collected to calculate the corrosion penetration rate. The following data is collected:

  • The weight lost by the material (i.e., its original weight minus the current weight)
  • The density of the material
  • The total surface area initially present
  • The time taken for the material to corrode

Once collected, this data is used to determine the corrosion penetration rate, which is calculated by the formula:

CPR = (k x W) / (D x A x T)

where k = a constant, W = total weight lost, T = time taken for the loss of metal, A = the surface area of the exposed metal, D = the metal’s density in g/cm³


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