Chrissy Stewart Contributor Bio - Corrosionpedia

Chrissy Stewart

Senior Chemist, KTA-Tator, Inc.


Chrissy Stewart is a senior chemist with KTA-Tator, Inc. Employed with KTA since 2006, she is heavily involved in coating failure investigation and comparative coating testing services. Stewart has achieved SSPC Protective Coating Specialist (PCS) certification, is a voting member of ASTM and a past president of the Pittsburgh Society for Coatings Technology (PSCT) where she currently serves on the Board of Directors. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Mercyhurst University, has had several articles published in JPCL and was featured in JPCL’s 2015 annual bonus edition, "Coatings Professionals: The Next Generation.”

Articles by Chrissy Stewart

  • The Composition of a Paint Coating

    A coating is a substance spread over a surface to provide protection or to serve decorative purposes. Here's an overview of paint coatings, particularly industrial coatings.

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