Introduction to Decouplers

By Corrosionpedia Staff | Published: April 30, 2024
Presented by Dairyland Electrical Industries, Inc.
Key Takeaways

This webinar will examine the basic function of decouplers and over-voltage protection devices and explain how they should be used in conjunction with cathodic protection systems to obtain optimal corrosion and safety protection.

In this webinar, Dairyland’s Business Development Leader, Tony Castillo, will examine the basic function of decouplers and over-voltage protection devices and explain how they should be used in conjunction with cathodic protection systems to obtain optimal corrosion and safety protection. He will answer common questions like why a decoupler is needed, where they are commonly applied, and how to test them once they’ve been installed. He will also explain how using these devices ensures that the cathodically protected structure is properly grounded to protect personnel and assets from AC interference and lightning strikes.


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