Flange Isolation and Remote Monitoring: Troubleshooting Failures to Proactive Strategies

By Corrosionpedia Staff | Published: May 22, 2024
Presented by GPT Industries
Key Takeaways

Join GPT Industries for an insightful webinar on effectively troubleshooting flange isolation failures and maximizing the benefits of remote asset integrity monitoring.

During this webinar, you will gain valuable knowledge about identifying common issues that lead to flange isolation failures, such as sealing failures, gasket isolation issues, washer isolation failures, sleeve isolation failures, improper lubricant use, conductive bridging, and other failure mechanisms. Discover proactive testing methods, visual inspections, and troubleshooting techniques to address these failures.

In addition, the webinar will explore the advantages of remote monitoring in tracking the performance of your cathodic protection system, AC interference, bonds, and isolation sealing effectiveness. Learn how a remote asset integrity monitoring system provides real-time data and alerts to prevent corrosion, reduce troubleshooting time, ensure regulatory compliance, and provide peace of mind for your critical infrastructure investments.

Learning points include:

  • Effectively identify root causes of flange isolation failures through testing and visual inspections
  • Understand the impact of factors like improper lubrication, flange damage, and pipe misalignments on sealing performance
  • Explore proactive techniques for monitoring isolation using remote asset integrity systems, eliminating the need for manual yearly checks
  • Grasp the implications of isolation failures and their potential consequences
  • Discover how real-time data from remote monitoring enables faster troubleshooting responses to prevent corrosion and production losses
  • See how remote asset integrity monitoring provides regulatory compliance reports and 24/7 visibility on critical infrastructure effectiveness
  • Learn about a cutting-edge method to actively monitor and log On Potentials, Isolation, Bond Current, Instant Off Potentials, and AC vs. DC on the pipeline
  • Understand the extensive benefits of asset monitoring on your critical infrastructure

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