
Safety Shut-Off Valve

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Safety Shut-Off Valve Mean?

A safety shut-off valve is used in industries such as those that handle industrial gases. The role of this safety valve is to detect if there is trouble in the system, causing the opening of an electrical circuit.

When the failure in the system has been corrected, the circuit is closed and the valve is opened through the action of a lever. However, when the failure has not been corrected successfully, the circuit remains open and the lever on the valve does not work.


Corrosionpedia Explains Safety Shut-Off Valve

A safety shut-off valve features a springing action that shuts off the valve automatically if an electric current failure is detected. When this happens, the valve is de-energized. The electric circuit is typically designed so that it opens up for any failure in the system. The valve remains closed until the circuit is energized again.

The safety shut-off valve should be free from failures since it is used to detect failure to any elements in a particular system. These may include controllers for:

  • Steam pressure
  • Temperature
  • Fuel pressure
  • Air pressure
  • Flame detector

The failure in the system that is indicated by the closure of the valve such as in piping systems could indicate problems such as implosion, water hammer and others. With this, safety in the industrial facilities or sites can be employed more efficiently. It also protects the entire system from hazards that may be brought about by operations that deal with high pressures.


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