
Pressure Differential

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Pressure Differential Mean?

Pressure differential is the pressure difference that exists between points. This is highly relevant for day-to-day pressure measurement, especially in industry.

It also describes the fluid force that exists per each unit and is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). It is equivalent to the unit that is subtracted from a greater force per unit.


Corrosionpedia Explains Pressure Differential

Proper measurement of pressure differential aids professionals in various industries in determining the exact blockage point or identifying if reservoir fluids can initiate backing in the wellbore that could hinder the drilling operations. Taking into account the pressure in different points with a fluid line is essential for safety in operations.

In order to do this, industries make use of a pressure differential gauge in their process systems. The gauge serves as the visual indicator of the differential pressure and is specifically designed to show the pressure differential between the pressure points within a process system. The most common applications of pressure differential measurement is in the following industries:

  • Chemical plants
  • Petrochemical plants
  • Refineries

Accurate measurement of pressure differential aids in various processes like flow and liquid level measurement, filter monitoring and clog detection. For instance, a high differential pressure may mean that there is a blockage in the filter. Once the maximum value of pressure differential has been reached, the filter requires changing, which prevents unlikely events such as damage or corrosion.


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