What Does
Prechlorination Mean?
Prechlorination is a process that involves adding chlorine to the collection system of industrial plants and other industrial settings, mainly for corrosion and odor control. At times, it is also applied for the purpose of disinfection and for the removal of oil particles.
It is also used in water treatment to control aquatic growth as well as taste, and as an aid in settling and coagulation.
Corrosionpedia Explains Prechlorination
Chlorination is the addition of chlorine into water, usually to achieve corrosion control and disinfection.
Similar to numerous processes for water treatments, chlorination can be applied as pretreatment, such as in prechlorination, or the last part of the water treatment process, like in postchlorination. In the treatment of water for the purpose of corrosion control and disinfection, both pre- and postchlorination are involved.
In prechlorination, chlorine is added to the raw water prior to flash mixing and post screening. The excess chlorine is beneficial in the various stages of treatment by:
- Aiding coagulation
- Controlling of algae problems
- Reducing odor and mud ball formation
Moreover, chlorine can produce prolonged contact time once added during the start of the water treatment process. Thus, prechlorination can increase safety when controlling corrosion and disinfecting extremely contaminated water.
This process can be very useful in the sense that it aids the elimination of microorganisms like protozoa, bacteria and viruses that can cause damage to structures and illness to humans. With this process, the safety and integrity of water meant for consumption and industrial uses can be maintained.