
Anode Corrosion Efficiency

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anode Corrosion Efficiency Mean?

Anode corrosion efficiency is the efficiency wherein electrons or charge are shifted in a type of system that facilitates electrochemical reaction. It describes the ratio of actual corrosion to theoretical rates, according to the overall current flow as measured by Faraday's law, gaining from the amount of electricity that passes through.

The word "faradaic" can be associated with two aspects: Faraday as the notable charge unit, that has been replaced by "coulomb," as well as Faraday's constant or the substance amount. This electrochemical phenomenon was first explained by Michael Faraday as reflected in his remarkable work on electrolysis laws.

Anode corrosion efficiency is also known as faradaic yield, faradaic efficiency, current efficiency or coulombic efficiency.


Corrosionpedia Explains Anode Corrosion Efficiency

In general, faradaic losses occur in both galvanic and electrolytic cells. This usually takes place when ions or electrons join in undesirable side reactions. Such losses are reflected as chemical or heat byproducts.

A great example can be seen in water oxidation into oxygen considering the positive electrode. A number of electrodes are redirected when producing hydrogen peroxide. A fraction of these electrons presents faradaic losses, which may differ per apparatus. Thus, it must be measured accurately to determine precise anodic corrosion efficiency values.

The self-discharge that limits the shelf-life of batteries is an example of faradaic loss, and measuring anodic corrosion efficiency in particular.

In spite of proper electrolysis, losses can still happen if the products are allowed to recombine. In the case of hydrolysis, oxygen and hydrogen could merge to create water. This could occur under the presence of catalytic matter like palladium and platinum which are the most widely used electrodes. Failure to explain the anodic corrosion efficiency effect can be pointed out as one of the causes of not identifying positive outcomes in experiments involving cold fusion.



Faradaic Yield

Faradaic Efficiency

Coulombic Efficiency

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