
Orange Peeling

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Orange Peeling Mean?

Orange peeling refers to the formation of uneven, rough irregularities in the surface of a coating film. It often occurs when a binder fails to flow uniformly across an object’s surface.

Orange peel may develop on painted and cast surfaces, even screen protectors. The texture resembles the surface of the skin of an orange, hence the term “orange peel.”

Orange peel can cause coating failure, structural damage and damage to appearance.

Orange peel also known as pebbling.


Corrosionpedia Explains Orange Peeling

Orange peel can be caused by:

  • Incorrect gun adjustment and techniques
  • Extreme shop temperature
  • Improper drying
  • Improper flash or recoat time between coats
  • Wrong thinner or reducer
  • Too little thinner or reducer
  • Materials not uniformly mixed
  • Substrate not sanded thoroughly

Orange peel typically results from excessively high viscosity during application or solvent evaporation rate.

Orange peeling can be removed by changing coating conditions or solvent. Once formed, it can often be removed by sanding and applying another coat of material. For mild cases, sand and polish are useful. In extreme cases, the surface must be sanded down to smooth surface and refinished, and a slower evaporating thinner or reducer used at the correct air pressure.




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