
Moneypenny-Strauss Test

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Moneypenny-Strauss Test Mean?

The Moneypenny-Strauss test is a method for detecting the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to intergranular attack.

The Moneypenny-Strauss test heat treats the sample in the sensitizing temperature range in order to determine the material’s resistance to intergranular corrosion.

The Moneypenny-Strauss test is also known as the Strauss test, and has classifications including SIS 117105, DIN 50914 and ASTM A262 practice E.


Corrosionpedia Explains Moneypenny-Strauss Test

In the Moneypenny-Strauss test procedure, the samples are boiled in a solution of copper sulfate, sulfuric acid and copper turnings. The test time depends on the standard used, and is normally 15, 20 or 24 hours. The evaluation consists of a visual examination for cracks originating from intergranular corrosion attacks. The samples are usually bent before examination. If cracks are suspected to arise from poor ductility, even in unsensitized samples, a similar but unexposed sample should be used for reference.

This test method can detect chromium-depleted regions in the material, but cannot detect other possibly detrimental homogeneities, like precipitations of sigma phase. This test is based on a visual examination of the bent specimen.

Practice Test Temperature Time Applicability Evaluation
E 6% Copper sulphate-16% Sulphuric acid-Metallic copper Boiling 24 Hrs Chromium Carbide Examination for Fissures(a line of breakage made by cracking) after bending


Strauss Test

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