
Maximum Continuous Load

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Maximum Continuous Load Mean?

Maximum continuous load is the highest level of load that should be maintained within a particular period. Any type of load that runs for more than three hours is considered a continuous load.

There should be a limit to the amps of electricity or power drawn from a source to effectively manage energy usage. This is important in industrial settings in order to conserve energy and prevent the corrosive effects of inefficient power usage.


Corrosionpedia Explains Maximum Continuous Load

Maximum continuous load should always be set for at least three hours, but can be higher at times. Electricity breakers are made to run for up to 80% under nonstop load situations. Thus, the load should be limited to only 80% with a few exceptions.

Maximum continuous load is widely applicable in industries that make use of electric heaters with vessels for water storage. Heaters are activated only when hot water is being used. Thus, the power needed to heat water is only utilized when the hot water is actually turned on. Typically, pressure switches activate the power.

With the knowledge of how to calculate the maximum continuous load, the type of breaker and the size of conductors required can be determined. Although the average maximum continuous load is set at 80%, this may still change depending on the amperes of the device as well as its applications.


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