
Anode Consumption Rate

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Anode Consumption Rate Mean?

An anode consumption rate is a property that describes the change in mass of a sacrificial anode with respect to time. In other words, it defines how quickly an anode would be consumed in an electrochemical cell. This property can be expressed as ampere-hour per kilogram (A·h/kg) or kilogram per ampere-year (k/A·y).


Corrosionpedia Explains Anode Consumption Rate

Anode consumption rates are typically used when discussing cathodic protection (CP) systems. In these systems, anodes are consumed or sacrificed to protect the cathode from the effects of corrosion. As a result, the anode must be periodically replaced to maintain sustained protection of the cathode.

The anode consumption rate is used to determine how long a particular anode will last and, therefore, how frequently it should be replaced.

For example, suppose a particular sacrificial anode has a consumption rate of 800 ampere-hours per kilogram (A·h/kg). This means that if the anode were to discharge one ampere of current continuously, one kilogram of anode material would be consumed in 800 hours.


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