
Tap Sieving

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Tap Sieving Mean?

Tap sieving is a particle size gradation technique that combines a circular horizontal movement with a tapping action. The sieving machine holds a stack of sieves, each with varying mesh sizes. As the sieves rotate, a mechanism at the top of the sieve stack repeatedly taps the stack, inducing a vertical vibration. This tapping action helps change the orientation of the particles, ensuring that sides of the particles interact with the sieve mesh. Like other sieving methods, tap sieving is used to separate or measure particles by their size.


Corrosionpedia Explains Tap Sieving

Tap sieving, in some ways, is similar to vibrational sieving. However, instead of being subjected to direct vertical motion, the sieve stack is tapped repeatedly to create vertical movement. This action is similar to how a baker sifts flour. The oscillating (circular) motion helps to shake the particles through the various meshes while also uniformly spreading the sample on the surface of the sieve.

Like vibrational sieving, tap sieving is used in a number of industrial applications, such as agriculture, construction, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals, to name a few.



Tap Sieve

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