
Cold Galvanizing

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Cold Galvanizing Mean?

Cold galvanizing is defined as the application of a zinc coating (or zinc-rich paint) to the surface of a steel substrate to protect it from rust and corrosion. When the coating comes into contact with air and moisture, the zinc component in the coating undergoes several chemical reactions to form a protective layer known as zinc carbonate. Because minimal surface preparation and no galvanizing tanks are involved, cold galvanizing is considered to be a misnomer by coating industry professionals.


Corrosionpedia Explains Cold Galvanizing

Cold galvanizing can be performed using relatively simple tools, such as rollers, brushes and spray guns. This method differs from conventional coatings due to the presence of a binding compound that allows the zinc to form a mechanical bond with the steel substrate.

Similar to hot-dip galvanizing, cold galvanizing offers two types of protection: barrier and cathodic protection. However, for this method to be effective, zinc particles in the coating must be present in high enough concentrations to promote electrical conductivity between the substrate and the coating. It should be noted that cold galvanizing is not as durable or resilient as its hot-dip counterpart is.


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