
Zinc Salts

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Zinc Salts Mean?

Zinc salts are a group of chemical substances that are each individually formed by the reaction of zinc with a non-metal element. Zinc salts are used because zinc is a corrosion resistant element in most naturally occurring environments.


Corrosionpedia Explains Zinc Salts

Examples of zinc salts are zinc nitrate, zinc sulfate and zinc chromate.

Due to the corrosion resistant nature of zinc relative to steel, it is often used to form zinc salts as a protective coating, which are applied by the process of galvanic protection. Galvanic cathodic protection is one of the most commonly employed forms of cathodic protection because of its ease of use.

Zinc salt coatings on steel provide protection by acting as a barrier by consuming oxygen and moisture. Zinc salts have low galvanic potential and corrosion rates. When a steel-zinc plated structure is immersed in fluid, the zinc salt becomes the anode or dissolving pole and the exposed steel becomes the cathode. The steel is therefore protected from corrosion.


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