
Rockwool Insulation

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Rockwool Insulation Mean?

Rockwool insulation is a proprietary name for a type of stone wool that is frequently used as an insulator for buildings. Rockwool is manufactured by heating certain minerals to their melting point and then spinning the minerals until they solidify in the shape of fine threads.

Rockwool insulation may also be known as rock wool or stone wool insulation.


Corrosionpedia Explains Rockwool Insulation

Rockwool can be produced from a variety of mineral types. Rockwool is usually produced from the same minerals that exist in lava during a volcanic eruption. When making rockwool, this lava rock is reheated to its molten state. The molten rock is then spun until it has taken the shape of thin, long fibers. The process is actually quite similar to making cotton candy, although rockwool requires much greater temperatures because rocks have a much higher melting point than sugar.

Rockwool is frequently used as a raw material for insulation for several reasons, including:

  • When packed into its final insulating form, rockwool is a poor heat conductor. This prevents heat from escaping a structure that has been insulated with rockwool.
  • Rockwool is also a noise dampener, so it does not transfer sound waves very efficiently. This reduces the noise pollution that can occur from loud sounds within a structure.
  • Rockwool is fire resistant.


Stone Wool Insulation

Rock Wool Insulation

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