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Hydrostatic Test

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Hydrostatic Test Mean?

A hydrostatic test is a procedure of determining the strength and leak-resistance of pressure vessels such as fuel tanks, pipelines, gas cylinders and boilers. This is one of the easiest methods of detecting leaks in pressure vessels. This test is among the most reliable and safest methods used to determine the integrity and soundness of a newly manufactured pressure vessel or after repairs, alterations and before the commissioning stage.


Corrosionpedia Explains Hydrostatic Test

During hydrostatic testing, the vessel being investigated is filled with a virtually incompressible liquid (often oil or water) and subjected to a precise test pressure. The pressure supply valve is shut off and observations are made to see whether pressure is maintained or there is a pressure loss. For easy visual identification of leaks that may be present, the liquid in the vessel being tested is dyed using a colorant. To test for the strength of the container, its permanent deformation after the testing is measured.

Although hydrostatic testing is essential in several industries, it may lead to corrosion. To avoid the risks of corrosion, the hydrostatic test should be conducted carefully. Chemicals may be utilized to treat the water used in a hydrostatic test. The water should also be discharged after the test in order to avoid corrosion.



Hydrostatic Testing

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