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Humidity Test

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Humidity Test Mean?

A humidity test is a type of corrosion analysis technique that aids in the determination of corrosion rates in materials. In this test, the material is exposed to various environmental factors and corrosive products to study the impact of corrosion to certain industrial materials.

It is a vital part of quality control that is usually performed in industrial laboratories to mitigate and prevent corrosion.


Corrosionpedia Explains Humidity Test

Humidity has a strong impact on material and product stress. Fortunately, it can be accurately calculated. In humidity testing, all the data obtained is essential to planning and selection of coatings, paints, products and materials. By properly protecting against humidity, the lifespan of the product can be extended.

In a humidity test, humidity and fog are controlled specifically for corrosion analysis. This is used for a wide range of products, ranging from electrodeposited paints or coatings to copper tube systems. Humidity tests are generally utilized to assess materials’ corrosivity or the impacts of substances like residual contaminants.

A variation of the test, known as the cyclic humidity test, is performed to replicate high heat and humidity exposure. The cabinet that is used in the test must have a reliable feedback controller and humidity sensor.

With this test, various things can be studied such as parameter shift failures, mechanical failures, coating degradation as well as other factors, which are all important in maintaining the quality of operations.


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