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Schmidt Hammer

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Schmidt Hammer Mean?

A Schmidt hammer measures the compressive strength and elastic properties of concrete and rock.

A Schmidt hammer is also known as a rebound hammer or a Swiss hammer. The compressive strength test that is conducted with the aid of a Schmidt hammer is also known as a rebound hammer test.


Corrosionpedia Explains Schmidt Hammer

A Schmidt hammer measures the surface hardness and penetration resistance offered by a section of concrete.

It consists of a spring-controlled mass that slides on a plunger within a tubular housing. The plunger is brought into contact with the concrete's surface. This provides a spring-controlled mass with a constant potential energy to hit the concrete surface. Once it hits the surface, it rebounds back.

The extent of the rebound (a factor of the surface hardness) is measured on a graduated scale. The rebound is designated as a rebound number or rebound index. Higher rebound numbers indicate the concrete possesses greater compressive strength.

The Schmidt hammer was invented by a Swiss engineer named Ernst Schmidt, and therefore is also sometimes called a Swiss hammer.



Swiss Hammer

Rebound Hammer

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