What Does
Stitch Welding Mean?
Stitch welding is a type of welding technique, not a welding process. Stitch welding involves initiating a weld, welding for a portion of the joint length, terminating the weld, and then starting again along the joint a specified distance from the previous weld.
Stitch welding is a nonstandard term for intermittent welding.
Corrosionpedia Explains Stitch Welding
Stitch welding (intermittent welding) may be used for a number of reasons. One reason is to limit the amount of heat transferred to a part because large amounts of heat can cause part distortion. High heat can also negatively impact a material’s chemical and mechanical properties. With stitch welding these negative effects can be limited.
Another benefit of stitch welding is reducing the amount of time it takes to weld a component. Stitch welding reduces the total weld length needed and therefore translates to a reduction in weld time. Reducing the weld time expedites the fabrication process.
Stitch welding does have some disadvantages. When the overall weld length is reduced, this oftentimes comes with a reduction in the strength of the weld joint. Also, the portions of a weld joint that are left unwelded could be in the form of a crevice. This crevice may accumulate foreign material that could increase the corrosion rate of the base material.