
Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems


Stand-Off Distance

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Stand-Off Distance Mean?

Stand-off distance is a measurement of the length between a blasting nozzle and a surface being cleaned by a procedure such as abrasive blasting or water blasting. This distance influences the effectiveness and safety of the blasting procedure.

Stand-off distance may also refer to a similar measurement when applying a coating with an air spray nozzle.


Corrosionpedia Explains Stand-Off Distance

A stand-off distance is used to establish a fixed protocol for blast cleaning. It is a measurement used when applying air, water, chemicals or other fluids to remove or dissolve unwanted material buildup on an object. Left uncleaned, this buildup typically promotes crevice corrosion and other forms of metal degradation.

The stand-off distance serves as a guideline to protect blasting personnel while ensuring an effective blasting procedure. The closer the blast nozzle is to the surface to be cleaned, the better the cleaning and the smaller the blast pattern.


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