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Skip Weld

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Skip Weld Mean?

A skip weld is a type of welding technique, not a welding process. To perform the skip weld technique, a welder will make a series of intermittent welds, or stitch welds. Once the intermittent welds are made, the welder will retrace the original welding path, but will this time fill in the gaps between the intermittent welds with additional welds. Skip welding is a useful tool to help limit distortion of the metal.


Corrosionpedia Explains Skip Weld

The first set of intermittent welds has less heat input than one continuous weld. They help to reduce distortion, but they do not give the weld joint its full strength potential. Once the joint is made more rigid with the intermittent welds then the gaps can be filled in. Although the heat input is the same as a continuous weld, the intermittent welds laid down prior to completing the full weld bead control the amount of distortion that occurs to a part.

There are other methods aside from the skip weld technique that can limit distortion. Methods such as back-step welding, stitch welding and faster travel speeds can all help to reduce distortion. Heat sinks and proper fixturing can also help ensure distortion control.

Skip welding in a sequence that is in the same direction as the direction of welding is an acceptable method. A skip weld technique can also be formed in a direction opposite of the direction of welding. Depending on the type of weld joint, it could be more advantageous to do one or the other.


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