
Shop Painting

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Shop Painting Mean?

Shop painting refers to a corrosion prevention activity in which metallic surfaces are protected via the application of coatings, linings or the performance of other surface preparation activities within a shop facility. Shop painting is typically used when it is not conducive to conduct a surface preparation activity outdoors or at a work site.

Shop painting may also be known as shop coating.


Corrosionpedia Explains Shop Painting

Shop painting may be appropriate where attempting to perform the work is impractical outdoors or at a work site. This can be due to several factors – such as inadequate weather or atmospheric conditions, environmental hazards associated with the coating to be applied, worker preference, temperature regulation or vapor confinement, among others.

For example, a pipe to be protected by a coating may be required for use in a location with sub-zero temperatures. Such conditions may not be conducive for workers to perform coating activities for prolonged hours outdoors. In addition, some coatings may be reactive, freeze, vaporize or even liquify at such temperatures. In cases such as these shop painting or using a spray booth may be advisable.



Shop Coating

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