
Static Pressure

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Static Pressure Mean?

Static pressure is a term used in fluid dynamics to define the amount of pressure exerted by a fluid that is not moving. Static pressure is typically measured using a force divided by an area, or measured in length units when using a pressure head. Static pressure, when combined with dynamic pressure, can be used to determine the total pressure of a system, such as in a pipe or tank.


Corrosionpedia Explains Static Pressure

Gases or liquids can have static pressure. For pipelines, gauges are typically attached to or placed near the pipelines to measure the current static pressure of the system. Hydrostatic pressure testing is sometimes performed on pipelines to test their integrity. During this test, the normal pipeline fluid is evacuated and replaced with water. It is then pressurized and, if the test has been passed successfully, returned to normal use.

In HVAC systems, static pressure is considered the resistance to flow. It is very important to reduce to the static pressure in order to increase the overall performance of the system. Changes in the material's surface conditions, length of the system, and the equipment used all have an effect on the static pressure of the system.


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