
Nuisance Dust

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Nuisance Dust Mean?

Nuisance dust refers to a fine and dry powder mixture of compounds such as limestone and titanium dioxide that do not typically provoke adverse health consequences unless they are present at significantly high concentrations. Nuisance dust is a supporting factor in certain types of corrosion.

Nuisance dust may also be known as nuisance particulates.


Corrosionpedia Explains Nuisance Dust

Nuisance dust can be any airborne particle that is usually not harmful to the human body and that occurs as a result of industrial manufacturing activities such as grinding, sanding and polishing.

Nuisance dust plays a role in certain types of corrosion, such as atmospheric corrosion and pitting corrosion. The Earth's atmosphere, which contains oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor, is sufficient to cause the gradual corrosion of iron, steel and other metals. However, the corrosion rate increases when nuisance dust (composed of titanium oxides and other metals or electrochemical cells) is present in the atmosphere.



Nuisance Particulates

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