
Neat Resin

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Neat Resin Mean?

Neat resins are the purest form of resins, which means they only contain the main identified polymers. There are no fillers, reinforcements or pigments present in neat resin, however, there may be small fractional quantities of stabilizers and additives present in them.

Since there are no fillers or other aggregates present in such resins, they are the purest form of resin and are also known as pure resins.


Corrosionpedia Explains Neat Resin

Resins are any natural or synthetic organic compound consisting of a non-crystalline or viscous liquid substance. There are two types:

  • Natural resins – Typically are fusible and flammable organic substances that are transparent or translucent and are yellowish to brown in color. They are formed in plant secretions and are soluble in various organic liquids but not in water.
  • Synthetic resins – Comprise a large class of synthetic products that have some of the physical properties of natural resins but are chemically different. Synthetic resins are not clearly differentiated from plastics.

Normally, resins have added fillers and other aggregates of various molecular weights to impart the required chemical properties for commercial and industrial purposes. However, in neat resins such high molecular weight homolog mixtures of fillers and aggregates are missing, which make neat resins inappropriate for direct commercial usage and thus they are not used to prepare corrosion resistant paints, varnishes or adhesives.



Pure Resin

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