
Galvanic Current

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Galvanic Current Mean?

Galvanic current occurs in the presence of two or more dissimilar metals in an electrolyte or saltwater environment. It is a type of electrical energy that can be measured. It is also defined as the unidirectional current of an electric charge.

It is produced by various sources like solar cells, batteries, electric devices and others. It may flow through conductor materials like wire, but is also capable of traveling in insulators and semiconductors, or even via a vacuum like ion beams. Galvanic current is the term previously used to describe direct current (DC).

Galvanic current is also known as electro galvanism.


Corrosionpedia Explains Galvanic Current

Galvanic current may be converted from alternating current (AC) through the utilization of a rectifier or current switcher that consists of electromechanical or electronic elements. These elements permit the current to travel in a single direction. Galvanic current can be transformed into an AC by utilizing a set of motor generators or an inverter.

The first type of electric power transmission utilized galvanic current. However, due to the significant benefits of AC in terms of transmitting and transforming, distribution of electronic power mostly shifted to AC. Eventually, AC was replaced by HVDC transmission, rather than relying on high voltage and long-distance current systems.

Galvanic current is still widely used in third-rail power systems. Initially, AC is dispersed throughout the substation and is then converted to galvanic current with the aid of a rectifier. Galvanic current is also used for charging batteries and the majority of electronic systems or power supplies. For instance, huge quantities of galvanic current are utilized in aluminum production and other processes involving electrochemical reactions. High voltage galvanic current is also consumed to send out immense amounts of power coming from a distant site to connect AC power grids.



Electro Galvanism

Direct Current

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