
Electrostatic Spray Gun

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Electrostatic Spray Gun Mean?

An electrostatic spray gun is a device used to spray paint onto a substrate while using charged molecules and electric fields. The coating material is given a negative charge by the electrostatic spray gun while the substrate being painted is given a positive charge. This creates an attraction between the paint and the substrate.

A coating applied with an electrostatic spray gun may help prevent or reduce corrosion in a more efficient manner than a conventional spray coating method.


Corrosionpedia Explains Electrostatic Spray Gun

An electrostatic spray gun is an integral part of an electrostatic method used to apply coating materials. During the process, a coating material is sprayed through the electrostatic spray gun with compressed air in a manner similar to a conventional spray gun. The difference between an electrostatic spray gun and a conventional spray gun is that after the coating material is projected by the gun, an electric current is used to negatively charge the atomized coating material. The base material to be coated is also hooked up to an electrical system and is given a positive charge. An attraction force is created that is greater than the effect of gravity on the coating material.

An electrostatic spray gun is a great way to improve transfer efficiency over traditional spray gun applications. The attraction between the coating material and the base material reduces the amount of overspray or other forms of coating material loss. The attraction created by the electrostatic spray gun also allows areas that are difficult to coat to be covered more easily. The attraction force provided by an electrostatic spray gun also allows for a coating material to be dispersed more uniformly across a substrate.


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