
Static Discharge

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Static Discharge Mean?

A static discharge is the release of an electric current on the surface of two materials that have come into contact with each other and are then separated. It is caused by static electricity or stationary electrical charges. When the materials are in contact with each other there is a free flow of electrons from one material to other, however, when they are separated they are left with either an excess or a shortage of electrons, which causes both material surfaces to become electrically charged.

Static discharge is also known as electrostatic discharge and static shock.


Corrosionpedia Explains Static Discharge

We experience static electricity in everyday life. For example, it can occur when we walk on a carpeted floor, generating enough static electricity that it gives us a mild shock when we touch a doorknob. While this sudden discharge of static electricity is harmless to the human body, it can be very damaging to electronic devices that are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD).

Static discharge is commonly experienced with paints and coatings used to protect materials from corrosion. Some areas that are prone to static discharge are waxed or painted surfaces, sealed concrete blocks and structures, fiberglass, spray cleaners, heat guns, blowers, plastic tools (e.g., solder suckers, brushes) and cathode ray tubes.



Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Static Shock

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