
Compression Modulus

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Compression Modulus Mean?

The compression modulus of an elastic material is defined as the ratio of the applied stress to the resulting strain when that material is being compressed. This relationship can be represented by the following formula:

E = σ/ε


E = Compression modulus

σ = Applied compressive stress

ε = Strain (compressed length/original length)

This mechanical property is only meaningful if the material exhibits elastic behavior; in other words, the material returns to its original dimensions when the compressive force is released.

Compression modulus is also known as compressive modulus, modulus of compression and compressive Young’s modulus.


Corrosionpedia Explains Compression Modulus

The compression modulus measures the stiffness of the material or the ability of the material to withstand changes in length when subjected to compressive loads. The higher the compression modulus, the stiffer the material.

The compression modulus is a crucial property in materials used to repair corroded piping. Pipe wraps and other repair materials need to be constructed from high-strength materials to act as effective load transfer mechanisms.

This load transfer ability is highly dependent on the compressive modulus of the repair material. If the modulus is too low, large deformations can occur in the pipe substrate before the load transfer is complete.



Compressive Modulus

Modulus of Compression

Compressive Young’s Modulus

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