
Pig Detector

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Pig Detector Mean?

A pig detector is a sensing tool used to detect the movement of a pig in a pipeline during pigging operations. The detector is installed on the exterior of the pipe and consists of an indicator (such as a LED light) that alerts operators to the pig’s proximity.

Pig detectors are usually placed near the launching and receiving stations, and they are useful for confirming the progress of the pig through the pipeline for maintenance operations.

A pig detector may also be known as a pig tracker.


Corrosionpedia Explains Pig Detector

Pig detectors may be classified as either intrusive or non-intrusive. Intrusive pig detectors are permanently mounted to the pipe via a specialized fitting. A probe that protrudes into the pipe is mechanically activated when the pig passes. A non-intrusive detector, on the other hand, does not need to be permanently mounted and usually senses the pig via magnetic detection.

Pig detectors may also be equipped with electrical switches and PLC controllers to automatically initiate subsequent operations such as clean-in-place processes, line venting, pump/compressor initiation, etc.



Pig Tracker

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