What Does
Rust Rashing Mean?
Rust rashing is a type of coating defect experienced on metal surfaces after the application of a thin coating layer intended to prevent corrosion. Rust rashing appears as a cluster of rust under portions of an applied coat. Rust rashing presents as a notable change in the fluid texture of the applied coat, such that there is no uniformity observed on the metal's surface. It is caused by an inadequate application of the coating fluid where the fluid begins to dry before it makes contact with the metal's surface.
Corrosionpedia Explains Rust Rashing
Rust rashing can be prevented by careful timing of the coating application, reducing the coating system's application pressure and by using a lower-density coating. The occurrence of rust rashing is a sign of inadequate corrosion protection of a metal surface as the surface becomes exposed to external corrosion agents that enter via holes in the cobweb coating structure that is formed during the coating application.