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Thermoelectric Generator (TEG)

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) Mean?

A thermoelectric generator (TEG) is an electric device that converts heat energy produced from a heat source directly into electrical energy. This phenomenon is called the Seebeck Effect, named after Thomas Johan Seebeck. These types of generators function similar to heat engines and are less bulky; however they are less efficient than heat engines.

A thermoelectric generator is also known as a Seebeck generator.


Corrosionpedia Explains Thermoelectric Generator (TEG)

A thermoelectric generator works in a very simple manner as it converts heat energy to electricity. It can be used to make an electric current flow through a metallic surface and thus protect it from corroding. The figure below shows its simple method of operation.

diagram of thermoelectric generator operation with heat source and cool side

Here the cool side represents a metallic surface that needs to be protected from corrosion. TEG’s are capable of converting heat energy to electric current that can flow across the metal. A TEG has a sealed thermoelectric module called a thermopile and contains an array of semiconductors. The temperature difference across the thermopile creates a DC current, which flows across the cooler side (i.e., the metallic surface).



Seeback Generator

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