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Canistered Anode

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Canistered Anode Mean?

Canistered anodes are a component of corrosion protection systems with a positively charged electrode that is used to coat a metal. Canistered anodes facilitate the removal of electrons from a metal’s surface. These electrons would otherwise interact with free ions on the metal’s surface and cause corrosion. Canistered anodes are typically made of zinc, aluminum or magnesium.


Corrosionpedia Explains Canistered Anode

Canistered anodes are used to protect a wide range of aboveground and underground industrial infrastructure such as storage tanks, pipelines and even concrete structures. Most anodes are factory-tested or approved and ready for immediate installation. They are usually packed in a galvanized steel canister.

Canister anodes are used as a sacrificial anode for the metallic object to be protected from corrosion. That is, canistered anodes are made from metallic alloys with more negative electrochemical potential than the object to be protected. Therefore, it corrodes instead of the base metal when in contact with or in close proximity to the object.


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