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Cooling Tower

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Cooling Tower Mean?

This is a structure that is used for extracting waste heat from a system, in which a process that utilizes energy takes place. The tower has an open top, which allows hot water to escape to the atmosphere. It eradicates excess heat by condensing steam or cooling hot water streams to lower temperatures. A cooling tower is used in refrigeration and air conditioning to provide a continuous flow of heat transfer in domestic and commercial facilities. It should be perfectly designed and well-maintained to prevent damage by corrosion.


Corrosionpedia Explains Cooling Tower

The cooling tower is an essential structure in industrial processes. It eliminates waste heat by distributing the hot water in the cooling tower and also evaporates some by using air. The most common cooling tower uses nozzles at the deck, which evenly distribute the received water into the fill.

The fill reduces the flow speed of the water to maximize the air-water contact. The fill improves the thermal efficiency and the evaporation rate by the use of close packed forms that eventually end in thin streams into the cold water basin. The cycle is repeated by pumping water back into the cooling tower for further heat rejection.

Corrosion is a major factor in limiting the efficiency of the cooling tower. The selection of material in the fill will determine the distribution of the hot water. Therefore, the fill is seen to be made of fiberglass, plastic, or wood. The most common corrosion types found in the cooling tower include:

  • Galvanic erosion
  • Erosion or Selective Leaching corrosion
  • Microbiologically erosion
  • Pitting erosion
  • Stress Corrosion
  • Crevice Corrosion

Control of corrosion will help to prevent the failure expected in these systems. The absorbed materials in the cooling water may also accelerate the rate of corrosion.


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