
Thermoplastic Elastomer

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Thermoplastic Elastomer Mean?

A thermoplastic elastomer is a chemical compound that is flexible and can be stretched to almost twice its original length at room temperature and then return to its starting length upon release of the acting stress force. This capability contributes to their strong corrosion resistant nature, making them ideal for use in corrosion prevention coatings and liners for equipment with moving parts. They are durable, scratch resistant, UV resistant, impact resistant and flexible for a wide range of paints and finishes.


Corrosionpedia Explains Thermoplastic Elastomer

Thermoplastic elastomers are often composed of liners and are used in molding applications. They possess the following desirable qualities that make them well suited for outdoor or harsh chemical environments:

  • Recyclable
  • Acts as an amorphous or a crystalline polymer
  • Flame retardant
  • Can be colored, painted or polished with a finish
  • Strong and temperature resistant, with excellent weatherability

Types of thermoplastic elastomers include:

  • Styrenics (S-TPE)
  • Polyurethanes (TPU)
  • Polyamides (PEBA)
  • Polyolefin alloys (TPV)


Thermoplastic Rubber

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