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Microbial Degreaser

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Microbial Degreaser Mean?

Microbial degreaser refers to a cleaning agent that is made from beneficial microorganisms or microbial enzymes to degrade harmful contaminants and turn them into safe compounds for the environment.

It is one kind of microbial re-remediation; it is natural way of solving contamination problems. It can be used to clean and remediate asphalt, concrete, vehicles, equipment, shop floors or any hard surface. Since it is a cleaning agent, it helps with the protection of corrosion of the substrates.


Corrosionpedia Explains Microbial Degreaser

Microbial degreaser is a degreasing substance made from naturally occurring microorganisms to remove cutting oils, grease, crayon markings, fingerprints, dirt, grime and other contaminants from a variety of substrates. It is an environment-friendly cleaning agent.

Microbial degreaser not only removes and emulsifies oil, other degreasers and grease, but it also bio-remediates on both hydrocarbon and protein based oil simultaneously. This degreaser is useful where petroleum oils may occur such as drives, sidewalks, and work floors where protein oils are present.

Microbial degreaser contains oil-eating microbes and it is a microbial, bio-remedial cleaner. It digests any hydrocarbons on contact. Disposal of waste from microbial degreasers are extremely simple. In this process, carbon dioxide and water are produced as byproducts. Microbial enzymes break down most petroleum hydrocarbons and transform them by those products. In addition, this natural process also produces valuable bio-nutrients for both plant and aquatic life.

Microbial degreasers can be used as cleaning agents for surface preparation before applying coatings. This ultimately protects against corrosion.


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