

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Immersion Mean?

Immersion refers to the act of putting objects or articles in a solution or immersing objects or parts in a liquid. Immersion has various applications in the industry. Immersion conditions are applied in the surface preparation of a metal surface, coating, and also in galvanizing and plating.

For corrosion testing, immersion tests are done to generate uniform corrosion data for alloys under immersion conditions.


Corrosionpedia Explains Immersion

Immersion is the state of immersing parts or articles in a liquid solution. Immersion has great significance in many areas like corrosion testing, paints, plating and other manufacturing process.

Immersion corrosion testing is a simple method of determining the rate of corrosion in aqueous solutions. Though this test can be used as an assessment tool for many applications, it is commonly used in the evaluation of the corrosivity of liquids in static applications. Water immersion testing is done to verify the passivation process on nearly all grades of stainless steel.

In surface preparation, the metal is first immersed in a heated alkali solution; second, diluted in an acid solution; and finally, immersed in fluxes solution for degreasing, acid pickling and fluxing from the metal surface to remove organic contaminants, mill scale, and surface rust and oxides; and prevents further oxides from forming on the surface of the metal before galvanizing. Galvanizing is done with the emersion of an article in a galvanized bath. The article is completely immersed in a bath of 98% pure molten zinc.

A passive oxide film is also formed on stainless steel components in an acid solution, which acts as a corrosion resistor. In dip coating, a substrate is immersed in a tank containing coating material. This is a common way to create a thin film coating on the materials using a spin coating procedure. In immersion painting, resins are usually dissolved or immersed in water.


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