
Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation and Supporting the Longevity of Industrial Pipe Insulating Systems


Wet-on-Wet Coating

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Wet-on-Wet Coating Mean?

Wet-on-wet coating refers to a method of painting where additional coats are applied before the previous coats have cured. The composite coated film then cures or dries as a whole. In this technique, specially formulated paints are required.

The wet-on-wet coating application method is still well used. It doesn’t require sanding between the epoxy coats. It prevents corrosion on the coated surfaces.


Corrosionpedia Explains Wet-on-Wet Coating

Wet-on-wet is a painting technique in which layers of wet paint are applied to the previous layers of wet paint. It is generally used in oil painting. This method needs to be completed within a short time frame, otherwise coating quality will be reduced. The wet-on-wet double coating method can be used for paper coating, in which the top coating layer is coated on the wet undercoating layer.

Wet-on-wet coating is a method for coating a substrate and a coated substrate. A typical example of wet-on-wet coating is a coating that consists of a capped polyisocyanate that is first deposited on the substrate followed by applying a second coating consisting of 1,2-epoxy functionality before curing the first composition. After completing wet-on-wet coating, the coated substrate is heated as a whole to cure the multilayered coating.

This type of coating has industrial applications and has been used for few years.


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