

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Ketone Mean?

A ketone refers to an organic compound that has the RC(=O)R’ structure. Here R and R’ can be any type of carbon-containing substituents. Ketones are considered simple compounds and contain a carbonyl group (a carbon-oxygen double bond), but are not directly attached to any reactive groups, like hydroxyl ( -OH ) or chloride (-Cl ) to the carbon atom in the carbonyl group. Ketones have great significance in both the industry and biology. A ketone such as acetone is widely used as an industrial solvent. It also has uses as polymer precursors and in the pharmaceutical industry.


Corrosionpedia Explains Ketone

Ketones are organic compounds that contain a carbonyl group. They don't directly contain any reactive groups such as hydroxyl and chloride. Ketones are mainly used in the industry as solvents, polymer precursors and also in the production of pharmaceuticals. The widely used ketones are acetone, methylethyl ketone and cyclohexanone. The ketone is produced from the combustion of hydrocarbons in an uncontrolled oxidation process.

Ketones are also used to produce protective coatings. All coatings made from ketonic resins are effective and stable in the protection of stainless steel and copper. A ketone protective coating tends to displace moisture and has self-healing capabilities when ruptured. The corrosion protection ability of ketonic resins depends on the nature of the substrate. The differences come from the variations in the compactness and porosity of the coating films. The ketonic resins are recommended in acidic mediums for surface coating.

Ketones are also used as corrosion inhibitors for example a-Alkenylphenones—a new class of corrosion inhibitors for steel in strong HCl. Schiff bases are also potential corrosion inhibitors, which are formed by the condensation reaction of a primary amine and a ketone or aldehyde. A ketonic corrosion inhibitor can also be used for protection of the exterior surfaces of parts that are susceptible to exposure.


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