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Industrial Maintenance Paint

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Industrial Maintenance Paint Mean?

Industrial maintenance paint refers to a paint or coating that is used for the protection of industrial structures and components. These paints are primarily chosen considering their protective attributes rather than their aesthetic properties, though they can provide both.

High-performance epoxy coatings, acrylic primers, enamels and finishes can be used to produce industrial maintenance paint.

An industrial maintenance paint may also be referred to as a maintenance paint.


Corrosionpedia Explains Industrial Maintenance Paint

Industrial maintenance paints are specially produced paints to protect industrial structures and components. These paints are commonly used to control the corrosion of steel structures of industrial plants; their roofs, platforms and underground pipelines. These coatings are also used as intumescent coatings for the fire resistance of industrial equipment and structures.

The environments of industries are not similar, so different types of coatings with different attributes are needed to meet the specific needs of each environment.

High-performance polymers, acrylic and primers are mainly used to produce industrial paints. Polyurethane, epoxy, moisture-cure urethane and fluoropolymer are commonly used polymers that also produce these paints. The coating produces a polymer film on the coating surface, which acts as a physical barrier between the steel substrate and the industrial corrosive environment. This polymer film protects the industrial structure and components.

As an industrial maintenance coating, high-performance epoxy coatings are ideal for structural steel, piping, tanks and equipment in chemicals, fertilizers, power plants, petroleum refineries, pulp and paper mills, and mining operations. They are also used as a filler for concrete blocks. Various waterborne acrylic coatings are also a good choice for industrial finishes.



Maintenance Paint

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