
High-Pressure Water Cleaning

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does High-Pressure Water Cleaning Mean?

High-pressure water cleaning is the use of high pressure water between 5,000 to 10,000 psi (34 to 70 MPa) to remove grime, loose paint, mud, mold, dust and other types of stubborn dirt on the surfaces of tanks, buildings, vehicles, streets, bridges, pipes and many more items.

Water is a widely used prime cleaning agent because it dissolves more substances than most other liquids. In fact, it is often referred to as the “universal solvent.” Water-soluble dirt is dissolved until nothing remains on the surface. High pressure enhances the water’s cleaning ability by providing the mechanical action to weaken the bond and dislodge the dirt from the surface, which is then followed by a constant water stream to rinse the dirt away.

The amount and speed of pressurized water are determined by the requirements of the cleaning job. High-pressure water cleaning is an effective and efficient way to accomplish domestic, industrial and commercial cleaning tasks.


Corrosionpedia Explains High-Pressure Water Cleaning

High-pressure water cleaning is a system that includes a motor, pressure pump, hoses, pipes, nozzles, controls and various accessories to create the necessary water volume and velocity.

There are various types of high-pressure water cleaning systems to suit particular cleaning jobs. Users should consider the following important factors when choosing the right high-pressure water cleaning equipment:

  1. Pressure rating measured in pounds per square inch (psi), Pascal or bar. The pressure contributes to the impact that will break the bond of the dirt to the surface being cleaned.
  2. Water flow rate from the pump in liters or gallons per minute. The volume of water supplied by the pressure pump also helps to determine the water cleaning system’s effectiveness and speed in removing and rinsing the dirt away.
  3. Type of nozzle or spray tip. The nozzle type at the end of the hose is another major factor that makes a significant difference in the impact of the high-pressure water to the surface being cleaned. Nozzles are classified according to the orifice size, the angle of spray (for example, zero degree angle spray is for blasting, 15-degree is for stripping and so on) and the spray pattern (cone, fan).
  4. Motor power source and an available water supply at the cleaning location.

The proper combination of the water flow rate, type of nozzle and its distance from the surface to be cleaned creates the most effective high-pressure water cleaning system. Some system models include various accessories to further improve its efficiency and effectiveness.

The wrong type of high-pressure water cleaning system can damage the surface to be cleaned.


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