
Carbonaceous Exchanger

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Carbonaceous Exchanger Mean?

A carbonaceous exchanger is a device that helps to remove carbon from carbonaceous material. The carbonaceous exchanger works on the principle of exchanging ions from the carbonaceous matter by the sulfonation process of coal, lignite, peat or similar material.

Heat exchangers are used in many corrosive industrial environments. Removing carbon and carbonaceous materials that are deposited on the heat exchangers is necessary for the equipment’s efficiency and lifespan.


Corrosionpedia Explains Carbonaceous Exchanger

The prolonged exposure of a metal to carbonaceous gases can lead to:

  • Carburization, in which internal carbide forms on the metal’s surface, which causes metal embrittlement in high temperature working conditions, internal cracks and failure of the metal’s surface.
  • Metal dusting, in which the metal disintegrates to a metal dust (a mix of carbon and fine metal particles), thereby causing the metal to weaken.
  • Coking, in which carbon deposition occurs at the rough edges or joints in the metal and subsequently causes the metal to disintegrate.

Carbon deposition on inner and outer tubes pose a problem because the cross-sectional area of the tubes is greatly reduced, further reducing the heat transfer efficiency through the walls of the tubes. Therefore, for efficient operation these deposits must be frequently removed from the tube’s surface with the help of carbonaceous exchangers.


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