What Does
Deposit Attack Mean?
Deposit attack is a type of corrosive attack in which a non-uniform deposition of corrosive coating gets deposited on the metal surface and causes thinning of the metal surface. Deposit attack is considered to be a type of corrosion. When a non-uniform deposition of film is spread over the metal surface, non-uniform thinning or corrosion takes place.
Corrosionpedia Explains Deposit Attack
In a deposit attack, a chemical reaction takes places between the metal surface and the deposited material, which proceeds in a non-uniform manner to the exposed area of the metal. There are various other types of corrosion in which uniform or non-uniform surface thinning takes place, such as:
- Uniform or general attack-type corrosion
- Crevice corrosion
- Pitting
- Inter-granular corrosion
- Parting or selective leaching
- Erosive corrosion
- Stress corrosion