

Last updated: July 19, 2024

What Does Deglosser Mean?

Deglosser refers to a chemical substance that is used to prepare a metallic surface for a coating application by removing chips, cracks, impurities and other substances that may reduce coating adhesion. Good coating adhesion is required to maximize substrate corrosion protection.


Corrosionpedia Explains Deglosser

Deglossers operate by destroying the smooth finish of a surface to make it a rougher surface. Rougher surfaces are easier for paints and other surface coating fluids to grip it. The application of a deglosser therefore increases paint adhesion and bond formation.

Coating adhesion is often dependent on the following properties of the substrate and fluid interface:

  • Atomic bond structure
  • Stress forces and elasticity
  • Substrate toughness
  • Impurity content
  • Fluid thickness

In general, these criteria impact good adhesion to some degree. Adhesion is improved by reducing internal stress, surface tension forces and removing surface impurities.

ASTM D4541-17 – Standard Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers is an industrially accepted standard used to evaluate the degree of coating adhesion present in a given application.

Deglossers are used in a wide range of applications and are sometimes preferred over physical surface preparation methods such as sanding.


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